January 4, 2012

The First Supper

Get this: Everyone spends New Year's in church here. Apparently, even prostitutes and drunkards!!! There's no countdown. No kiss at midnight. Instead, there's "Oh my God! It's the end of the Earth!" So they make sure to be in the house of the Lord should that really turn out to be true. Of course, once the clock strikes midnight and they realize the world hasn't come to an end they simply go back to life as usual. Anyway the point is, most people celebrate the night of the 1st instead of New Year's Eve. We were no different. Which is why what would have been our last supper of 2011 became our first supper of 2012. (But we still ate as if it were our last supper on Earth!) Good times...

Wasn't all glamorous though... If there's ONE house chore I absolutely HATE, it's doing the dirty/slimy/greasy dishes! Ukh... Where's the dishwasher when you need it?


  1. wlik sahtein habibti! the best pic was of you washing the dishes!!!

    1. hehe, ya I bet you had a good laugh. You know it - I'd be ready to swap with you the dishes for the laundry ANY day of the week :)
