September 19, 2011

For a tank of gas...

You can sponsor a child's education, including all of their books, exam fees, school fees and lunch.

A previous volunteer put things in perspective:
"The kids are very hard workers.  They will go to school during the week, work on the family farms on the weekend (and sometimes before school), they will often prepare meals for themselves and their families, fetch water, collect firewood, sweep the family home and then do other miscellaneous work.  Some of them also have after-school jobs such as walking around the village selling ice blocks from a bucket or selling fish they had just caught or some other item that the family might have prepared during the day. In fact, on Tuesdays and Fridays (market days) many of the boys skip school to push a barrow around the market to earn some money." 

This is how they stay in school. But some are even less fortunate and can't pay their way. For $69/$119/$134, you can put a KG/Primary/JHS student through school. Not bad for the cost of "drinks on me", huh? Cheers to that!

For details on how you can help, go to: 


  1. Great initiative Dima! Love the blog and so proud that someone Lebanese is up to so much good! Wishing you all the best and keep up the good work!

  2. thaaanks Hala! You're always such a cheerleader - love you for it!
