October 20, 2011

Gone With The Wind

With a huff and a puff, the wind blew the boarding house down :(
 The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind, in every sense of the word!

This was how the unfortunate sequence of events unfolded last night:

It all started with a knock knock. Actually, more like a BANG BANG. "Boarding house down, boarding house down". What does that mean???

Godwin the school principal, another teacher, and I, rush over to the school through the storm (by the light of a mobile, whilst trying not to slip in the mud. Yes, trying).

We arrive to find 200 students traumatized by the ordeal, but thankfully all safe. Though they should have been in their rooms, their dinner had run late and all were in the dining hall instead. Hm....

Olivia's fainting though somehow escalated to suffocating status and resulted in a pulse that was nearly no more. BUT she miraculously recovered on the way to hospital. Hm....

Couldn't have been happier to snap this picture of her the next day...
Ah, the beauty of post-traumatic memory loss!
Back at the school, everyone set up camp on the classroom floors.

This is baby Kevin, the girls, and I, safe and sound in the nursery/makeshift bedroom
The destroyed building had to be closed off for fear of the children's safety: water + electricity = an even bigger disaster! Hm....
Can you spot the loose cables? And notice the rain?
Aaaah, it has truly been a difficult day to say the least as we picked up the broken pieces.

But thankfully we didn't have a funeral to plan!!!!! It is only damage which can be fixed (with a measly 10 grand of course), and superstitious parents who can be PR'd, ha!

 Notice the fallen cement bricks on the left. Hm...
Also, the only remaining section of the roof was the building's connection to the electricity pole. Hm...
That is how Godwin (on the right) and the rest of us managed to stay positive.
Some guys really rose to the occasion and did more than just help.
Philemon, seen here second from left, was INCREDIBLE with Olivia & all the manual labor.
Awww... The day students (who can barely pay their tuition, if at all) collected as much as they could
to donate the first 10 bags of cement.
Please, if you too can help in whatever way possible, all donations large and small would be greatly appreciated as we work hard to raise the needed funds to put the children's house back together again. You can:

1) Donate money to the Bank Audi account I opened, for transferring collected funds to the school, IBAN: LB27 0056 0008 0583 1461 0020 1003
2) Donate money to the school founder directly:

PS: You can see additional pictures of the Whirlwind Aftermath on facebook.


  1. Coulda been... It felt surreal to be able to greet everyone with a "Good morning" the next day. Was it just a bad dream?
